Friday, July 2, 2010

shortwave logs 02/07/10

6310-16.10 radio northcoast playing bzn fair signal at times, but some long fades sinpo 33223

3940-21.32 laser hot hits playing omd"enola gay" fair , but noisy signal sinpo 43233

6290-22.10 radio mustang playing instrumental music strong signal sinpo 54444. Moved to 6325@22.18 still playing instrumental music and giving out contact details sinpo 54444

6305-22.30 unid with "bee" sounds also some instrumental music good signal sinpo 43444

6966-22.35 radio jan van gent(see comments) playing dutch and german music fair to good signal and noise level is low. Sinpo 44433


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM GMT+1

    Yes it was my station you ve heard on 6966 kc on that time

    Greetings JVG

  2. many thanks JVG.

    73's paul
