Friday, October 16, 2009

free radio nova

free radio nova will do a test broadcast on 9290kHz on saturday 17/10/09
the transmission will start@18.00 cest
you can send your reception reports by
they are very interested to know what reception is like on this frequencey


  1. Hi,
    Radio Caroline International from Poland will also have a next test-transmission tomorrow, Sataurday 17-10-09, from 14-15hrs European Summertime on 6285 and 6308kcs.

  2. thanks for letting me know

    73's paul

  3. Great. Just what we need. Another Radio Caroline!!

    Have we all run out of names that we have to use the same name as half a dozen other stations on the air (or internet).

    Please, if you want to be taken seriously, get a more original name.
