Thursday, October 29, 2009

shortwave logs 29/10/09

3945-18.10 central radio(pres) playing wham"freedom" good signal also some noise sinpo 44344 heard@18.30 on 3930 playing fleetwood mac"tusk" strong signal sinpo 54444. off a few minutes later

6870-18.35 playback international playing the beatles fair signal also some fading sinpo 33233

3900-18.40 unid weak signal and high noise level, but can hear some music sinpo 21121

6220-19.02 playback/ mystery radio playing dr and the medics good signal sinpo 44344

3900-21.20 unid playing dutch music and extreme"more than words" fair signal at times, but long fades and high noise level making it hard to catch id sinpo 33222

3905-22.17 unid playing queen and rozy music weak signal with fair peaks.once again high noise level making it hard to catch id sinpo 33222

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