Tuesday, May 4, 2010

shortwave logs 04/05/10

6960-17.40 radio jan van gent playing gospel and country and western music  fair signal and noise level is low sinpo 43333

4025-18.00 laser hot hits with a program about gorden brown and the labour party fair signal with some fading sinpo 43323

5815-20.07 radio telestar south playing duanne eddy fair signal ,but quite a bit of fading sinpo 33323

3905-20.33 radio fox 48 with a weak signal with some fair peaks. noise level is high, but can hear some music sinpo 32122 back on 21.50 playing rock and dutch music. noise level  is low now sinpo 33233

6305-21.27 smurfene radio playing smurf(dance music) fair signal, also some fading sinpo 43333

6305-21.27 radio blackarrow with a qso for smurfene radio. thanks for the greetings good signal sinpo 44344

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