Friday, August 6, 2010

shortwave logs 06/08/10

6220-17.35 mystery radio playing boney m. fair signal with some fading sinpo 43323

6301-18.48 mustang radio playing glen Campbell"Galveston" and giving out id. fair signal, but quite noisy sinpo 44323

6306-19.18 radio mazda playing dutch music. fair signal with some fading sinpo 43323

3932-19.35 radio jan van gent playing country music. weak and noisy signal sinpo 32122

3906-19.50 radio likedeeler playing smokie. fair signal, with some noise sinpo 43233. Also heard@22.00 on 3925. Good signal sinpo 44344.

3900-21.35 radio sallendse boer playing 2 unlimted and creedense clearwater rivial. Good signal, but some splash from station on 3906 sinpo 43444


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM GMT+1

    Hello! I am a DXer from Lviv,Ukraine and sometimes pick up pirate radio stations, because propagation is not good during years. So, I hope that I also picked up radio mazada with folk Dutch music at 1953 on 6306 kHz. SINPO 25222. Very noise and fades. Could you inform me about e-mail or post address this station?
    Best wishes and 73!

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM GMT+1

    P.S. I noticed that from Nederland is broadcasting Radio Mazda, not Radio Mazada. Am I right? If so, that I found their addaress at

  3. hi ihor,
    you are correct, it should have been radio mazda.
    sorry about the mis-spelling.

    73's paul
