Friday, September 3, 2010

shortwave logs 03/09/10

6325-15.25 Magic Am with a test transmission. Giving out contact details and playing Plastic Bertrand and T-Rex. Good signal sinpo 44344

6300-15.40 Radio Golfbreker playing Polka music. Fair to good signal, with some fading sinpo 44323

6950-17.00 Radio Jan Van Gent playing dutch music. fair signal with some noise sinpo 43233

6290-18.05 Radio Mazda playing Pussycat"Mississippi"(dutch). good signal sinpo 43444

6315-18.25 Radio Old Timer playing Dutch Music. good signal, with the occasional fade sinpo 44434

6210-18.35 Radio Underground playing Hawkwind"silver machine" weak signal sinpo 32222

6305-18.45 Radio Marconi playing Dutch Music and Scissor Sisters. strong signal sinpo 54444

6960-18.50 Radio Supersound playing Johnny Kidd And The Pirates and the Beach Boys. fair signal sinpo 43233

6320-19.00 Sonic Radio playing Reggae Music. good signal sinpo 44444

6210-20.05 Radio Mustang playing Credence Clearwater Rival sinpo 42444. Moved to 6325 a few minutes later to avoid splash from station on 6205 good signal sinpo 44444.Moved back to 6210 heard@20.25 playing Dance and Electronic music sinpo 43444

6220-20.35 Playback International with a live program. playing Little Eva and the J Geils Band. good signal sinpo 44344

6305-21.00 Radio Spaceshuttle playing Classical And Yodelling music. fair signal sinpo 43333. Moved to 6205 a few minutes later sinpo 43233

3901-21.15 Central Radio International(presumed) playing Survivor And Boston. strong signal, but seam to be having some technical problems. Off not long after sinpo 54444

6375-21.22 Sonic Radio playing La Belle Epaque"black is black" good signal.but high utility noise sinpo 42444

6324-21.43 Magic Am playing U2 And ZZ Top. good signal, with the occasional fade. sinpo 44434

3905-22.00 Radio Underground reading out shortwave reception logs. weak signal, with some fair peaks. sinpo 32322

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