Saturday, December 11, 2010

Re: FRS on air Dec. 12th 2010

--info thanks to FRS Holland
----- Original message -----
> Hello FRS Friends,
> A reminder informing you that FRS-Holland will be on air tomorrow Sun
> Dec. 12th on 6401 kHz/ 48 metres.
> It regards a complete repeat of our Nov. 28th broadcast which was the
> second one in our 30 years trilogy.
> If you missed the previous one, tomorrow is your chance. We will be
> on air 07.52- 14.00 UTC.
> Correct reports will be verified with our November QSL (the second
> one in our 30th Anniversary QSL Series).
> Tune in for much radio fun on a Sunday....
> Our trilogy will be completed on Sunday January 16th 2011.
> Important: if you have sent in either a mail or a snail mail report:
> so far we haven't answered any of the letters/mails/ reports.
> Be sure all mail will be replied like we always do! We'd like to
> thank each & everyone for their support so far.
> Your letters are more than welcome.
> All the best, FRS Team
> a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
> FRS-Holland
> POBox 2702
> 6049 ZG Herten
> The Netherlands
> e-mail: <>
> e-mail: <>
> a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
> FRS-Holland
> POBox 2702
> 6049 ZG Herten
> The Netherlands
> e-mail: <>
> e-mail: <>

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