Friday, December 31, 2010

shortwave logs 31/12/10

4065-16.35 Overijssel Radio playing Credence Clearwater Rival And Dutch Music. Fair to good signal sinpo 44433. also heard@21.25 playing Dutch Music. good signal sinpo 43444

3905-21.40 Relmus Radio playing Simon And Garfunkel. Also The Everly Brothers. Fair signal, with some fading sinpo 43323

40.15-22.05 Laser Hot Hits playing Cliff Richard. Weak Signal and fading sinpo 32312


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM GMT

    Happy New Year

    Thanks for the 2010 logs. Are you the same Paul Graham ex-R Caroline/WABC Charlestown by any chance?


  2. Hi Mike Many thanks and Happy New Year.
    I Am not the same person and no relation.

    73's Paul
