Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fw: info Summermeeting 2011

 Borderhunter Summer Meeting 2011 information.

Hi Free Radio and pirate fans! It's already time for another one! From the 1st to the 3th of July 2011, everyone of distinction in the scene meets once again - both listeners and stations!
On this particular week-end, it's provisionally planned that the next Borderhunter summer meeting (well-known and well-loved across Europe) will take place in the first weekend of July.
Only those who already know about this fantastic meeting, know what the home stayers miss.
As in every year, the question of where to stay overnight is no problem! You can stay in a car, tent, caravan, hotel, B&B or at the accommodation at the camp site (complete with beds, but bring a sleeping bag) - everything can be brought along, as everything is best provided for. The meeting begins officially on Saturday, as usual. In addition, every year many hobbyists travel on Friday, which the boss of the organisation also has no problem with. Everyone is always most cordially welcome at any time!

You can safely leave your picnic basket at home with your mother - the selection of meals and drinks is so vast, that you will be a little bit heavier when you return home on Sunday! And all this and more at affordable prices. However in order not to drive the meeting organisation into financial ruin, there is a small contribution of 2 Euros per person which is obligatory.

Radio Borderhunter will organise a meeting for friends of the free radio and pirate hobby, that is not only unique, but will also remain unsurpassed - that we promise all hobbyists! In order that we can better plan, we request that you let us know when you are coming, in advance if possible. As we want to make sure that we have enough food beforehand, for example.

Reservations, applications and questions should be directed to the following e-mail address:  or to PO BOX 2702, 6049 ZG HERTEN, THE NETHERLANDS. 
The exact route to the meeting will be given in advance. Most of you will know it from previous years. 
Our motto for this meeting, as always is: come, see, be amazed, be at home.

All free radio friends are cordially welcome at the BORDERHUNTER SUMMER MEETING on the 1st untill the 3th of July 2011!!!

lnfo Via Radio Borderhunter

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