Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fw: Next Sunday February 27th

Dear FRS Friend,

At long last Sunday February 27th 2011 the final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast will take place. We will complete the FRS Anthology !
Next Sunday 27th February we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET.
In contrast with our previous mail, a change has taken place. 6085 will be on for the complete 6 hours 08-14 UTC. No alternative 48 mb freq will be used.
March 6th could see a repeat of part of the shows lasting 2 or 3 hours.
We are understandably curious to receive your letters and mails. That's very important for us and that's the only way in which you can show your respect
and interest.

Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC        7600//5800 kHz
07.52- 14.00 UTC        6085 kHz

Of course we have special QSLs for this broadcast. With the ones issued for the previous two broadcasts, it will form the FRS 30th Anniversary QSL Series.
Hope to have your company on the will be great fun: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!

73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)


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