Wednesday, February 16, 2011

shortwave logs 14/02/11

6210-16.25 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson talking about Radio Caroline and The Ross Revenge. Also playing Joe Jackson"it's differant for girls"Good Signal Sinpo 44434

6305-16.40 Radio Caroline Eifel(see comments) With Recordings of Radio Caroline And playing Frankie Go To Hollywood"relax".Fair Signal, with some fading. Sinpo 43323

 3905-18.15 Unid Playing Bonnie Tyler And Kate Bush. Fair Signal, but noise level is high. Sinpo 43223

4085-19.02 Central Radio Internatiinal With Id Jingle. Also playing Madonna And Bachman Tuner Overdrive. Fair Signal, But once again noise level is quite high.Sinpo 43233


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM GMT

    On 16.40 was Radio Caroline Eifel on 6300KHz, i think this is the unid

  2. hi Radio Caroline Eifel,
    Many Thanks. Where you on 6305 or 6300.

    73's Paul

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM GMT

    on 6300, but the old quarzys from the transmitter wandering down and under by 0,5KHz

  4. Hi Many Thanks for confirming it was your station.

    73s Paul
