Friday, June 3, 2011

shortwave logs 03/06/11

6945-18.15 Laser Hot Hits Mike Andrews Playing Robbie Dupree And Promo foe Offshore Echo's. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6930-18.25 Irish Radio Music playing Lady Ga Ga. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6390-19.45 Radio Mustang playing Sniff N' Tears And Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6308-19.56 The Ghoul talking about the interference to SW reception caused by power line adapters And playing The The"beaten generation". Good Signal Sinpo 44444. Also heard later on 6306. Signal still Good Sinpo 43444

6420-20.54 Radio Zodiac playing Rock Music. Weak Signal, with some Fair peaks Sinpo 32333

6524-21.12 Radio Romona playing The Animals"house of the rising sun". Fair Signal, but noise level is high. Sinpo 43233

3905-21.20 Skyline Radio International playing The Dobbie Brothers"listen to the music". Good Signal Sinpo 44344

4080-22.30 Overljssel Radio playing Dutch Music. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6300-22.55 Radio Bravo Sierra(tent) playing The Bee Gees. Fair Signal, but some Deep Fades Sinpo 43323

 4026-23.10 Laser Hot Hits with a old Radio Caroline Recording from the 60's playing The Bachelors. Good Signal Sinpo 44434

6291-23.22 Radio Caroline International/Radio Rainbow playing Dance Music And plenty of Id Jingles. Fair Signal ,but some utility Qrm Sinpo 43333

 6930-23.40 Irish Music Radio playing The Rolling Stones"lets spend the night" Good Signal Sinpo 44344

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:24 AM GMT+1

    Hi Paul,

    many thanks for such log of us last night on 6291kcs!!!
    Power at such time was 100watts.

    Best wishes,
    Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.
