Saturday, May 9, 2015

Second Edtion Of Italian Free Sw Radio Contest


Dear SWL friends,

The Italian Group Free Wave organise for you, the second edition of a radiophonic contest that will be on air

 on short waves QRG in Amplitude Modulation. This second edition will have small difference in rule.


Each free station will be on air in the same moments on his own QRG, transmitting a part of a complete 

message in Italian and English, that is ever the same for all 7 ( seven ) Italian Free Radio stations.

10 May 2015 schedule:

First Part of Message from 08.00 UTC to 09.00 UTC with this simultaneous TX QRG:

6.875 Radio Europe / 6.950 Radio Enterprise / 7.300 Radio U-Boat 66

Second Part of Message from 09.00 UTC to 10.00 UTC with this simultaneous TX QRG:

6.870 Radio Samurai / 6.940 Radio Voyager / 7.300 Radio Mistero Ghost Planet

The complete message will be transmitted instead only via: Radio Arcadia from 19.00 to 20.00 UTC but the

Arcadia’s QRG will be communicated last-minute on Chat/FB, depending band’s condition.

To participate to the game as SWL, you only have to recreate the complete message.

All SWL can participate to the game with their own radio and antennas, and also using web SDR receiver. 

Please send your report to:

International Contest Rank and Special Paper Certificate

From the first ( 1st) to the fifth ( 5th ) report mail received without mistakes, will get a paper QSL direct to 

your postal address ( if communicated).

To compose the final rank we consider the time in which we get your mail.

The ranks of Italian SWL and International SWL will be separated, and we will send a total of 10 paper 

certificates. The final results will be published within 10 day from 10 May 2015.

We hope in good conditions and we invite you to participate to the game!

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