Saturday, July 25, 2015

4025-5.43 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From Michael Jackson And Texas. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6324-20.00 Radio Caroline International European Pop, Rap And Dance Music. Utility Qrm Sinpo 42332

6265-20.15 Radio Montferland Music From Nena And U2. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6291-20.25 Artem's World Of Music Program Via Radio Pirana International. Rock Music Including Wolfstone. Sinpo 44433

6283-20.35 Radio Digital Am Music Inluding The Mind Benders,The Flower Potmen And The Honeycombs. Sinpo 43444

6950-20.45 Radio Enterprise Ac/Dc, Black Sabbath And Led Zepilian Sinpo 43433

6400-20.57 Radio Caroline International European Pop Music And Id Jingles Sinpo 33333

6385-21.20 Radio Carrierwave Music From Santana Including " shes not there" Sinpo 33333

6305-21.20 Radio NMD Music From Henk Mizial, Londonbeat And The Billy Idol Sinpo 44344

6265-21.35 Radio Studio 42 Music From Focus, The Sweet And Gilbert O' Sullvian. Sinpo 43333

4025-21.45 Laser Hot Hits Pop Music Including Demis Rousses. Sinpo 44344


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM GMT+1

    hi paul, looks like we have lost alfa lima fourm. as when you ask for alfa lima home page a default page appears. sad day it was a good site for us bradcasters, and loggers, and bloggers.

  2. Yes indeed it looks like the site is gone.
    It will be badly missed if it does not come back.
