Thursday, December 22, 2016

Radio Mi Amigo International Xmas Broadcasts

Hello listeners of Radio Mi Amigo International!

This Christmas we’ll present you with 2 extra high power- Special Event broadcasts that will cover a large part of the globe! What better occasion than X-mas to celebrate the fact that in 2016 we became the fastest growing AM/Shortwave station in Europe -and possibly the world.

Our special 2 hour broadcast on December 25th will come from the Armenian 100 kW transmitter -
aimed at the larger European region - including Eastern Europe and large parts of Russia and the Middle East.

In the night of December 26th * a very powerful 125 kW signal from Nauen in Germany will be aimed directly at North America, but with a large overlap in other regions as well.

Our special event show will be presented live from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, with contributions from all involved with Radio Mi Amigo, directly from studio's in Holland, The UK, Germany, Spain and Ecuador. We'll introduce ourselves to hopefully many new listeners, celebrate with the current ones, look back at our 2016 highlights and play some very special music. You'll get updates of our plans for next year and we'll talk DX and Shortwave.

Please note the times and frequencies below and calculate UTC times to your timezone.

Date: 25-12-2016 
Time:  19:00 - 21:00 UTC (20:00 - 22:00 hrs Central European Time)
Frequency: 6145 kHz (49 meter band) - via Armenia (100 kW)

Date: 26-12-2016 
Time:  00:00 - 02:00 UTC (01:00 hrs - 03:00 hrs Central European Time)
Frequency: 6080 kHz (49 meter band) via Nauen, Germany (125 kW)

* Note that in the U.S. the broadcast date is still December 25! 7 - 9 pm [EST], 6- 8 pm [CST] and 4 - 6 pm [PST]. Of course all shows can be heard at the same time on our onlinestreams. All nfos also on our Facebook-page

We look forward to your reception reports. As always, we'll reward you with our colourful printed QSL card and Mi Amigo car stickers.

On behalf of everyone at Radio Mi Amigo International, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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