Friday, September 6, 2019

FRS Holland Next Sunday September 8th Repeat Broadcast

Dear FRS Friends,

FRS will repeat last Sunday's broadcast which suffered from very poor/ unstable propagation conditions.
That means once again a start at 16:52 UTC/ 18:52 CEST. Frequency: only 5810 kHz. It looks like higher freqs like 7700 suffer from
very long skip nulling out reception in large parts of out target area. We hope for better/stronger reception but realize that the current
conditions simply are (very) poor!
Sunday Sept. 8th  16:52- 21:00 UTC 5810 kHz ...FRS' 39th Anniversary featuring Jan, Bert, Dave, Peter & Mike. Tune in!
Have a good weekend,

73s  Peter V. (on behalf of the entire FRS Family).

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