Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sw/Mw Logs

1660-5.08 Unid. Gere En Hermien, Gerrit Schinkel And James Brouwer- Schinkel Sinpo 44444

1647-5.20 Unid. Johnny Hoes & Annie De Reuver, Roy Black & Anita Sinpo 43433

5140-6.15 Charlestown Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 33333

6020-6.28 Delta Radio. Dean Martin, Miijoonajade, Peter Günt Sinpo 54444

6130-7.56 Radio Casanova. CCR, The Paradise Birds, Albert West, Andres Jűrgens Sinpo 54444

6325-9.10 Radio Clash. Sniff N' Tears, Fleetwood Mac Sinpo 33333

6925-9.25 Radio Pandora. Dx Program Sinpo 34333

5810-9.35 Radio Continental. Rod Stewart, Flock Of Seagulls, Booker T And The Mg's, Kool And The Gang Sinpo 44433

6325-9.45 Radio Clash. T-Rex, Three Dog Night, Bruce Springsteen Sinpo 43433

6200-9.58 Ros Am. Blackbear, Emily Roberts, Ace Of Bace Sinpo 54444

6925-10.10 Radio Pandora. Promo For" Achims Free Radio Desaster, Hot Chocolate l, Reception Reports Sinpo 34333

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