Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Sw/Mw Logs

1620-5.15 Unid. Ciska Peters And Ronnie Tuber, Het Radi Ensemble Sinpo 44433

1665-5.25 Unid. Christmas Songs Sinpo 33233

1645-5.45 Unid. Polka/ Dutch Music Sinpo 44433

648-5.55 Radio Caroline. Alice Cooper, Fuel, Led Zeppelin Sinpo 44344

1629-19.55 Radio Columbo. Bruce Springsteen, The Buffin's, Them Sinpo 44444

1617-20.05 Radio Marianne. Dutch Music Including De Marendo's Sinpo 43333

1638-20.16 Ros Am. Flock Of Seagulls, Prefab Sprout, OMD, Greetings, Manfred Manns Earthband Sinpo 44444

1665-20.30 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Dutch Music Including The Mason Dundee Band Sinpo 44433

1620-20.40 Radio Bison. Instrumental Music Including The Shadows Sinpo 43333

648-20.50 Radio Caroline. Manfred Manns Earthband, Glenn Fry, Ed Young Band Sinpo 544444

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