Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sw/Mw Logs

1611-5.05 Radio Zorro. Dutch Music Including Benne Jolink Sinpo 33433

1633-5.16 Radio Marconist. Polka/ Polka Music Sinpo 43433

1636-5.26 Unid. Dutch Music Including Herman Sinpo 33433

846-5.46 Radio North. Peter Sarstedt" where do you go to( my lovely)" Sinpo 33333

6270-18.27 Unid. Flowerpot Men, Jan And Dean, The Everly Brothers, 10cc Sinpo 34333

5140-18.40 Charleston Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 34333

6285-18.52 Unid. Pussycat, Normaal, I'd Given But Not Understand Sinpo 33333

1617-20.10 Radio Marianne. Dutch Music Including Liesbeth List And Ramses Shaffy Sinpo 44433

1655-20.20 Radio Kristal. Weak Signal, Just Barely Hear Some Music Sinpo 23322

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