Friday, May 6, 2022

Sw/Mw Logs

6205-17.55 Radio Blackstone. Tornados" telestar", CD Sinpo 34333

6280-18.05 Continental Radio. Tol Hansse, Mud, Dean And Marc Sinpo 44444

5140-18.15 Charleston Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 34333

1629-19.05 Radio Bluebird. Dutch Music Sinpo 33232@ 19.45 Dutch/ Polka Music Including Hugelland Duo" de Halterbua" Sinpo 44333

9240-20.03 Radio Parade International. Id/ Contact Jingles, Red Box, Pet Shop Boys, Strawberry Switchblade, Opus Sinpo 44444

1636-20.25 Radio Black Power. Peter Cetera, The Cats Sinpo 44433

1629-20.35 Radio Bluebird. Polka/ Dutch Music Including Heintje Simons Sinpo 44433

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