Monday, July 25, 2022

Sw/Mw Logs

5800-20.03 Radio Akenzo. Testing, Dj Elstak, Eiffal 65, Lawinboys Feat Dj Jerome Sinpo 54444

5880-20.15 Radio Rock Revolution. David Bowie, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Razorlight Sinpo 44433

5140-20.30 Charleston Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 34433

7675-20.40 Radio Pamela. Jo Jo Gunne, Motorhead, Rainbow Sinpo 34333. First time in a long time I've been able to hear Radio Pamela.

1647-21.00 Radio Oldtimer. Dutch/ Polka Music Including Hammock" you lost the starlight in your eyes" Sinpo 44444

1661-21.10 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. De Rekkers, The Sunshines, Harry Hendriks Sinpo 44444

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