Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Sw/Mw Logs

6185-19.30 Radio Piepzender. Black-inguars, Boney M, Leo Roja's Sinpo 55444

6280-19.42 Misti Radio. Ac/Dc Music Including" the jack", Ids, CD Sinpo 34333

5880-19.53 Radio Rock Revolution  Santana, Canned Heat, The Proclaimers Sinpo 44433

5140-20.05 Charleston Radio. Music From 30's And 40's Sinpo 33333

3940-20.15 Mike Radio. Testing, The Tramps, REM, Phil Collins Sinpo 54444

1629-20.48 Radio Bluebird. De Stemmingmaker's, Rob Out Sinpo 54444

1662-21.02 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Die Paldauer,  Vader Abraham, De Paladijns Sinpo 44444

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