Pirates For Peace

Saturday, February 28, 2015

6205-7.15 Radio King Shortwave Oldies Including Bobby Herb" sonny". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6240-8.50 Unid With Music From Visage, Alice Cooper And ELO. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6850-9.18 Blue Moon Radio International With Music From America, Terry Jack's, Carole King And Status Quo. I'd Jingles" this is Blue Moon Radio International Testing On 6850". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6260-9.40 Polaris Radio. Music From Def Leopard And Ac/Dc. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6325-16.20 Radio Blauwe Panther Playing Dutch Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 33232

6245-16.30 Unid With Some Music. Very Weak Signal Sinpo 32322

6235-16.45 Radio Pandora Oldies And Rock Music. Also Saying Hello To Marcel In France. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6950-17.00 Radio Blackbeard Playing Dance Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6300-17.10 Unid Just Barely Hear Some Music. Sinpo 33222

6850-17.25 Blue Moon Radio International Testing. Music From The Motors, The Pretenders And The Knack. Good Signal Sinpo 44344. New Station From The UK?

6325-17.45 Radio Joey Playing Dance Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6265-17.55 Radio 307 With Music From The Motors And Take That. Fair Signal With Fading Sinpo 43323

6425-18.05 Radio Carrierwave(tent) Playing Instrumental Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32323

6307-18.15 Radio Caroline/ Radio Rainbow International Playing Pop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32332

6400-18.45 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Tx On And Off. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-19.00 Radio Norton Playing Dutch And Polka Music. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

3905-20.00 Radio Alice Playing Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

4026-20.10 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson With Music From The Boomtown Rats And Edwin Collins. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6290-23.20 Radio Borderhunter With A Mix Of Pop And Rock Music Including The Steve Miller Band" the joker" And Manfred Mann's Earthband" davys on the road again". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6300-23.53 Radio Ronnie AM With Music From Queen" we will rock you" And Ultravox" Vienna" Id Jingles And Closed down. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

Friday, February 27, 2015

6325-20.00 Premier Radio With Music From Racey, Manfred Mann, Dave Edmonds And Dr Feelgood. Fair Signal, Slight Utility Qrm Sinpo 433333

4026-20.35 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence With Music From Elle Goulding, Whitney Houston And The Blow Monkeys. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6950-20.50 Unid With Music From CCR, Moody Blues And The Beach Boys. Also Some Polka Music. Talking Was Very Low Making It Hard To Catch Id. Sinpo 54444

Thursday, February 26, 2015

6295-20.00 Radio Joey Playing Dance And Pop Including Ike & Tina Turner, Duran Duran And Warren G. Fair Signal With Some Good Peaks Sinpo 43433

4026-20.50 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson With Music From The J Geils Band, Flock Of Seagulls And The Stranglers. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Website From Radio Blackbeard


Spaceshuttle with higher power on 31 metres

Dear listeners,

We have plan try to reach more listeners with special quite high powered and directed transmission 

on 9600 kHz, 31mb next sunday 1st of March 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC. …

Our target is to reach areas of entire Europe, Mediterranean Sea area, Near-East, (Asia) and North-Africa. In 

any case it will be needed very good receivers and proper antennas for our listeners to get our signal. I wish 

everything will go right with these plans and our strange music will reach bigger areas and much bigger 

audience?? Let's see what's happens...

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your 

requests in special musical shows in future. I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! 


tell you thoughts to us by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yhaoo.com.

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International

P.O.Box 2702

NL: 6049 ZG Herten

The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick response and communication is possible By e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com

Best Regards!

Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle


Monday, February 23, 2015

6300-17.00 Radio Norton Playing Dutch Music. Fair To Good Signal  Sinpo 44433

6305-17.35 Unid With Music From Dusty Springfield, Nancy Sinatra And Focus. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6960(lsb)-18.19 Baltic Sea Radio With Music From Hank Mizall" jungle rock" And The Stray Cats" runaway boys". Also Id Jingles. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-19.58 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson With Music From The Boomtown Rats" mary of the 4th form" And Edwin Collins" a girl like you". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Sunday, February 22, 2015

6205-6.50 Radio King Shortwave Playing Reggae Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-7.15 Laser Hot Hits With Music From ABC, Kelly Rowland/ Nelly And Calvin Harris. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

9485-7.32 Radio Gloria International Rock Music Including Mark Lanegan"burning Jacob's ladder". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325.8.10 Radio Norton Playing Dutch And Instrumental Music. Also CCR. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6282-8.33 Misti Radio With Music From The Rolling Stones" fool to cry" And " beast of burden". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33333

7300-9.00 Radio U Boat 66 Oldies Including " ain't no sunshine". Weak Signal Sinpo 33233

6290-9.13 Radio NMD With Music From The Bee Gees And The Drifters. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6240-9.25 Radio Quadzilla Playing Dutch And Polka Music. WeaK Signal With Some Utility Qrm Sinpo 32322

6250-9.35 Radio Casanova Playing Dutch, Instrumental And German Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6260-9.45 Radio Northpole With Mix Of Pop, Instrumental And German Music Including The Nolans. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6200-9.55 Radio Technical Man Playing Rock And Pop Music Including Bruce Springsteen. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

7490-10.15 Geronimo SW Dave Simpson With Music From Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Also Santana And Blonde. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6385-10.35 Unid Playing Dutch, Polka And German Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

9334-11.05 Geronimo SW Dave Simpson With Music From ELO, Joan Jett & The Blackheads And Elvis Costello & The Attractions. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-14.55 Radio Telestar Dutch Music And Oldies Including The Tornadoes" Telestar". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6401-15.08 Radio Quasar Playing Rock Music Including Andrew Gold. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6803-15.28 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Queen/ David Bowie" under pressure". Also Saying Good Evening To Various People In Iann's Chat. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6850-15.40 Unid With Music From The Equals, Chris Montez And Buddy Holly. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6950-16.00 Radio Enterprise Playing Italian Music. Weak Signal With Some Fair Peaks Sinpo 33333

6245-16.12 Radio Ac/ Dc With Music From Blue Oyster Blue" don't fear the reaper" And Carly Simon" you're so vain" Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

6320-16.20 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal With Some Deep Fades Sinpo 34323

6385-16.45 Unid Playing Rock Music And Talking In Dutch. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6385-16.52 Unid In A Large Dutch Qso Round. Dance Music Sinpo 43444

6385-16.56 Unid With Qso Report. Sinpo 54444

6385-17.00 Unid Music From Madness And Talking In Dutch Sinpo 54444

6385-17.04 Unid Qso Report. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6803.17.10 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Dire Straits" tunnel of love"( live version and best version). Also Peter And Gordon" true love ways". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6305-19.10 Radio Montferland With Music From Foreigner" i want to know what love is" And Toto" africa". Plenty Of Id's. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6385-19.18 Little Feet Radio Oldies Including  Orange Juice" rip it up". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6385-19.29 Radio Lowland Qso Report For Little Feet Radio. Music From Metallica. Sinpo 34333

3905-21.00 Radio Alice With A Mix Of Dutch, Pop And Instrumental Music Including Rod Stewart" maggie may". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Saturday, February 21, 2015

HLR, R R Sweden, R.Gloria & Geronimo Relays

HLR on Saturday 21st February:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz with R.City at 13.00 to 14.00 UTC

Radio Revival Sweden Saturday 21st February schedules:

1200-1300 UTC SDXF Sveriges DX-Förbund 

1300-1500 UTC Radio Merkurs 


R Gloria on Sunday  22nd February:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 9485  
08.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 9485 
10.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 7310  via shortwaveservice.com
13.00 to 14.00 UTC, on 6005  via shortwaveservice.com
16.00 to 17.00 UTC via  Coloradio.org
16.00 to 17.00 UTC via  laut.fm/jukebox
Good reception ! Reports welcome at:  radiogloria@aol.com

HLR on Sunday 22nd February:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC program in German on 9485 kHz
 E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!

Radio Geronimo 22nd February:
Radio Geronimo will be broadcasting on 9335 kHz and
 in parallel on 7490 KHz 
Geronimo will be on air between 09 - 13 UTC - 10- 14 CET.
Email address is Geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:


Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

"If you live outside of the reception area, please use the following web-receiver:
Uni Twente (Holland) : http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ 

Good Listening!

73s,  Tom

Saturday, February 21, 2015

6205-7.05 Radio King Shortwave With A Recording Of A Dutch Station  Music From Ray Charles And PJ Proby. Radio King Shortwave I'd Jingles At The End Of Recording. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-7.25 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson With Music From UB40" one in ten" And PHD" I won't let you down". Thanking Everyone For Listening To His Program. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-14.05 Bogusman Chat And Indie Music Including The Acorn. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6265-17.25 Radio Telestar With A Mix Of Dutch, Oldies And Instrumental Music Including The piglets" johnny reggae". Also Saying Hello To Iann in France. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6240-17.40 Radio Flying Dutchman Playing Instrumental Music. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6400-17.50 Old-Timer Radio Playing Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-18.20 Unid Playing Polka Music And " desperado". Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6210-18.35 Sluwe Vos Radio Relaying Vasily Week-End Program.  Music From ELO And Wet Wet Wet. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6240-18.45 Radio Flying Dutchman With Music From Donna Summer. Also Polka And Instrumental Music. Stronger Signal Now Sinpo 54444

Friday, February 20, 2015

Radio Geronimo Sunday February 22nd Broadcast

Dear Listeners,

This message is on behalf of the Radio Geronimo team. 

Next Sunday February 22nd Radio Geronimo will be broadcasting on 9335

kHz and in parallel on either 7490 or (most likely) 7500 kHz. Geronimo will be 

on air between 09- 13 UTC --> 10- 14 CET. Please remember Geronimo uses 

the Eisenach based Box 101145 in Germany.

Email address is Geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com.
73s  Chris   RGSW.

Info Via Dr Tim's Newsletter And FRS Holland.

Friday, February 20, 2015

6747-16.55 Radio Pioneer With Music From The Hollies And The Beatles( 2 songs). Also Some Polka Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

6850-17.23 Unid With Music From Mink De Ville, Graham Parker & The Rumour And Jonathan Richmond. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6390-17.42 Radio Lowland Playing Dutch, Pop And Country Music Including OMD. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6240-18.00 Sluwe Vos Radio With Music From OMD, Depeche Mode And ELO. I'd Jingles. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6390-18.12 Unid Playing Polka Music And Talking. Sinpo 43433

4026-20.00 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From Musical Youth And OMD. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

6325-18.10 Unid Playing Dutch And Polka Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

6288-17.40 Stress Radio Dutch And Polka Music. Also Music From CCR. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Monday, February 16, 2015

6380-17.38 Unid With Music From OMD And Cliff Richard. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 43433

6290-17.55 Unid Playing Dutch And Polka Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Sunday, February 15, 2015

4026-6.43 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson With Music From J Geils Band, A Flock Of Seagulls And The Stranglers. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6205-7.10 Radio King Shortwave Oldies Including The Adventures" drowning in the sea of love" And ABC" the look of love". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6393-7.30 Radio Altrex Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6305-7.40 Radio Norton Playing Dutch And Instrumental Music. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6250-7.50 Radio Casanova Playing Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6326-8.00 Top Radio(tent) Playing Rock And Instrumental Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6285-8.12 Skyline Radio Germany Playing Rock Music. Weak Signal With Some Fair Peaks Sinpo 33333

9865-8.40 Radio Spaceshuttle With Music From Abba" ring ring. Also Reading Out Reception Reports From Italy, France, Spain And Scotland. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6326-8.52 Top Radio With Music From U2 And Pat Benetar. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44433

6950-9.02 Radio Enterprise Playing Pop And Instrumental Music Including James Taylor" handy man". Weak Signal Sinpo 32332

9485-9.20 EMR With Music From B Bumble And The Stingers. Also The Beach Boys And Nena. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6390-9.30 Unid Playing Rock Music Including Iron Maiden. Fair Signal, Slight Utility Qrm Sinpo 43333

6250-9.40 Radio Northpole Playing Dance Music. Fair Signal With Some Good Peaks Sinpo 43433

6320-9.50 Radio Montferland With Music From PHD, Culture Club And Carl Douglas. Also I'd. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-11.50 Radio Experience Playing Dance Music. Good Signal, Odd Fading Sinpo 44334

6803-12.00 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Demis Roussos And Dutch Music. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43233

6290-12.12 Radio Telestar Playing Dutch Music. Also Jerry Lee Lewis And Keith Marshall. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6265-14.00 The Ghoul Chat And Music Including OMC" how bizarre" And Anika Moa" dreams in my head". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6265-15.15 Bogusman With Music From The Levellers, The Concretes And The Black Box Recorder. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6390-15.45 Unid Instrumental And Rock Music. Off Suddenly With No I'd Given. Sinpo 44333

5805-15.55 Radio Pandora With Radio London Recordings And Music From Dodgy. Fair Signal, But Some Constant Utility Qrm Sinpo 42333

6305-16.18 Unid Playing Oldies Including Abba And Johnny Nash. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

5800-16.30 Unid Playing Non Stop 80's Music Including Duran Duran, Phillip Oakley And Spandau Ballet. Very Strong Signal Sinpo 55444

6849-16.40 Unid Playing The Full War Of The Worlds Album. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6286-16.52 Unid With Music From Kato" Dragon Slayer". Weak Signal Sinpo 33322

6390-18.10 Unid Long Talks In Dutch. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

6390-18.18 Unid In Dutch Qso Round. Talking In Dutch. Sinpo 43333

Saturday, February 14, 2015

4026-6.50 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence Playing Dance Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6380-9.21 Little Feet Radio Playing Pop And Soul Music Including Roy Orbison And Hottie & The Blowfish. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

9510-9.40 Radio City Playing Oldies Including The Fantastics. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-15.50 Radio Telestar With A Mix Of Oldies And Dutch Music Including Chris Andrews" yesterday man" And Bobby Herbs," sonny". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6390-16.06 Radio Pluto(tent) Music From The Hollies And Visage" fade to grey". Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6803-16.30 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Modern Talking" you're my heart, you're my soul" And Queen/David Bowie" under pressure". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6747-16.44 Radio Pioneer Playing Dutch Music. Sinpo 43333

6950-16.55 Radio Enterprise Playing Pop And Italian Music. Also I'd Jingles. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

3905-20.05 Radio Alice Playing Country, Polka, Oldies And Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Friday, February 13, 2015

6295-20.00 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 43433

6747-20.10 Radio Pioneer Playing Dance, Pop And Country Music Including Fergal Shakey And Johnny Cash. Fair Signal, With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

6950-20.50 Radio Enterprise With Music From The Housemartins, The Tornadoes And Robin Beck. Also Id Jingles. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6930-23.40 TRX Radio Playing Rock N' Roll Music Including Elvis Presley, Fats Domino And Buddy Holly. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6295-23.50 Hit Mix Radio Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

Thursday, February 12, 2015

R City, R R Sweden, EMR & HLR Relays

Radio City will be on the air this coming weekend:
Friday February 13th at 19 - 20 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS and on 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio in Italy, repeated on Saturday February 14th at 09 - 10 UTC on 9510 kHz
Every Saturday evening at 20 - 21 UTC there is a separate transmission via Radio Merkurs, Latvia on 1485 kHz.
Every 4th Saturday there is another programme via Hamburger Lokalradio at 13 - 14 UTC on 7265 kHz.   The address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca  Thank you!

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Sunday: 12.00 to 16.00 UTC on 9485 KHz

European Music Radio Relay on 15th February 2015
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 7265 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 9485 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor


Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules

Sunday, February 15th 2015
08.00-10.00 UTC Radio Spaceshuttle 6035 kHz 5 kW, 9865 kHz 10 kW
10.00-11.00 UTC Radio City 9865 kHz 10 kW
18.00-19.00 UTC European Music Radio 6035 kHz 5 kW

Saturday, February 28th 2015
12.00-13.00 UTC SDXF Sveriges DX-Förbund
13.00-15.00 UTC Radio Merkurs 

Good Listening!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

6298-16.58 Radio Black Bandit Dutch Music And Dana Winner. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-17.05 Unid Playing Dance/ Instrumental Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

4026-18.25 Laser Hot Hits Dave Simpson Playing Classic Rock Music Including The Doors" riders on a storm". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Pirates for Peace And Radio Rainbow New Address

Hi there!
Pirates For Peace has become big,  as you can see on the news almost every day!  You probably got the OLD site address on your website.  Please add the




Free Italian radio day March 1

Dear SWL friends,

The Italian Group Free Wave organize for you, a radiophonic contest that will be on air on shortwaves QRG in Amplitude Modulation. The Game it is very simple.


Each free station will be on air on different moments and each one will be on air on his own QRG, transmitting a single part of a complete message in Italian and English, that is ever the same.
Your challenge is recreating the complete message !

All parts of the message start with a particular advising sound for all free stations.
The single part of the message will be transmitted following this schedule:
6.870 Radio Samurai from 08.00 to 08.30 UTC
6.875 Radio Europe from 08.30 to 09.00 UTC
6.940 Radio Enterprise from 09.00 to 09.30 UTC
7.300 Radio U-Boat 66 from 10.00 to 10.30 UTC
7.300 Mistero Ghost Planet from 10.30 to 11.00 UTC
The complete message will be transmitted instead only via:
3.905 Radio Arcadia from 21.00 to 22.00 UTC

To participate to the game as SWL, you only have to recreating the complete message, but you also have to write the single part you have heard from each Italian Free Station .
All SWL can participate to the game with their own radio and antennas, and also using web SDR receiver. Please send your report to: radioalleanza@gmail.com

International Contest Rank and Special Paper Certificate

From the first ( 1 ° ) to the fifth ( 5 ° ) report mail received without mistakes, will get a 

paper QSL direct to your postal address ( if communicated).

To compose the final rank we consider the time in which we get your mail.

The ranks of Italian SWL and International SWL will be separated, and we will send a total 

of n. 10 paper Certificate. The final results will be published within 10 day from 1° march 

2015. We hope in good conditions and we invite you to participate to the Game !

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

6747-17.00 Radio Pioneer With Music From Fleetwood Mac" Rhiannon" And "Sara" Followed By I'd Jingles And Some Instrumental Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 43433

6240-17.23 Radio Caroline International/Radio Rainbow International Talking About The Conflict In Ukraine. Music From Pussy Riot And Michael Jackson. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

3905-18.30 Radio Alice Dutch Music And Music From The Monkeys. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

4026-18.45 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From Human League" fascination". Also Reading Out Reception Reports. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Radio Spaceshuttle 14-15th February

Dear friends,

GERMANY: Radio Spaceshuttle International,  Rohrbach on 6070 kHz Saturday 14th February 2015, 14-15 UTC.
Programm beinhaltet kurze Hörer Briefkasten, Beste deutsch-schweizerischen-Kuh, Disco, Pop und Rock-Musik aus den 80er und 90er Jahren, Finnland-Musik-Edelsteine in den Jahren, usw.

SWEDEN: Radio Spaceshuttle International, Sale on 6035 kHz and 9865kHz Sunday 15th February 2015, 08-10 UTC
Bästa pop, disco, dans, trance och rock musik från 70, 80, och 90-talet. Svensk och finsk musik extra.

Wishing that conditions will be fine and good reception all over Europe is possible!

All correct reports sent (with 2 EUROS/ 3 International reply Coupon) to our address: Radio Spaceshuttle International, P.O.Box 2702, NL-ZG 6049 HERTEN, The Netherlands will be verified with our printed QSL! (+ some promotional material!)

COMPETITION: After six month period(January-June) special big surprises 1,2 and 3 (valuable Spaceshuttle stuff) will be sent to three listeners sent THE MAXIMUM NUMBER of correct reports [-max one report/transmission counted]. If more than three equal reporters [same amount of reports] then Madame Fortune will have her fingers in came ;)

Best regards,
Dick Spacewalker

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

6289-16.35 Radio Python Said He Was Closing Down. Music From Primal Scream And Duran Duran. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6306-16.45 Radio Caroline International Playing Dance And Pop Music. Fair Signal With Occasional Fading Sinpo 34323

4026-22.05 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence With Music From The Human League And The Kane Gang. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Monday, February 9, 2015

6305-16.20 Radio Merlin International Oldies Including Jam" going underground". Fair Signal Sinpo 34334. Closed Down At16.28

6325-16.32 Radio Caroline International Playing Dance And Pop Music. Also I'd Jingles. Weak To Fair Signal 33333

6285-16.42 Radio Focus International With Music From Wizard, Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel And Katrina & The Waves. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Sunday, February 8, 2015

4026-7.10 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence Playing Pop Music Including Culture Club"church of a poison mind". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6205-7.30 Radio King Shortwave Rock Music Including The Sugarcubes. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6305-7.52 Radio Merlin International Oldies Including Fleetwood Mac. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6254-8.10 Radio Marabu Alternative Rock Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-8.20 Radio Focus International With Offshore Recordings And Jingles. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6205-8.44 Radio King Shortwave Music From Bob Dylan. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

6940-8.55 Radio Enterprise Music From Ray Stevens" Bridget the midget" And Bob Dylan" the times are changing". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33333

6380-9.05 Radio Universe With Music From Abba, Bobby Fuller And Buddy Holly. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44433

6875-9.20 Radio Europe Playing Instrumental And Pop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 33322

7310-9.30 Radio Atlantic 2000 Pop Music Including Olivia Newton John. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6190-9.40 Mv Baltic Radio Oldies Including The Hollies" no milk today" And Manfred Mann" fox on the run". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-9.50 Radio Montferland With Music From Joan Jett & The Blackhearts" I love rock n' roll" And Billy Swan" I can help". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

7620-10.00 Radio Waves International Playing Country Music. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6220-10.10 Radio Saturnus Pop And Rock Music Including Judge Dread" big six". Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6209-10.30 Radio Likedeeler Pop Music Including Donna Summer And Talking In German. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6400-10.40 Radio Quasar Rock Music Including Van Halen. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6950-15.20 Laser Hot Hits Via Radio Blackbeard(presumed). Paul Stewart With Music From Rem And Tit Fit. Off Suddenly At 15.28 Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6240-15.32 Radio Experience Playing Dance, Pop And Rap Music Including Texas. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6380-15.40 Radio Montferland With Music From The Cutting Crew And Foreigner. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6390-16.20 Unid Talking In Dutch And Pop Music. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

5805-16.30 Radio Pandora With Music From The Shadows And The Allman Brothers. Fair Signal, Small Bit Of Noise Sinpo 43333

6380-16.46 Radio Witte Reus In A Long Dutch Qso Round. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

6205-16.55 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic Ian Lawrence With Music From George McCraie, Patti La Belle And Scritti Politti. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-17.05 Radio Focus International With Music From The Human League And Stephen Duffy. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-17.15 Radio Merlin International Rock Music Including Neil Young" rocking in the free world". Sinpo 34333

6401-17.25 Radio Joey Music From The Eurythmics And Bronski Beat. Also I'd Jingles. Sinpo 43433

6375-16.35 Radio Abu Dhabi Playing Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6254-16..45 Radio Marabu Rock Music And Oldies Including The Cure And The Beatles. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-17.53 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic. Moved Here When Legal Station Came On 6205. Ian Lawrence With Music From The Innocence And Nomad. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Relay from Atlantic 2000 Sunday 8th February


Dear Listeners,Atlantic 2000 sera sur les ondes ce dimanche 8 février de 09:00 à 10:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris) sur 7310 kHz, et également en streaming à la même heure sur notre site internet.Les rapports d'écoute sont à adresser à : atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 8th of February from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CET) on 7310 kHz. The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
Reports to : atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Bonne écoute !

Info Via Dr Tim's Newsletter

Relays this weekend

HLR on Wednesday & Saturday:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC  on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Sunday Relays on 08.02.2015 
R Gloria - 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on  6190 KHz
MVBR    - 09.00 to 10.00 UTC on  6190 KHz
EMR      - 10.00 to 11.00 UTC on  6190 KHz

HLR on Sunday:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC program in German on 9485 kHz

"If you live outside of the reception area, please use the following web-receiver:
Uni Twente (Holland) : http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ 

EMR Internet Repeats + Archive Recordings: via FM Kompakt at: http://laut.fm/jukebox
Sunday: 08.02.2015
20:00-21:00 UTC European Music Radio (January 2015)
21:00-22:00 UTC European Music Radio (May 1979)

Monday: 09.02.2015
19:00-20:00 UTC European Music Radio (January 2015)
20:00-21:00 UTC European Music Radio (May 1979)

Friday: 13.02.2015
17:00-18:00 UTC European Music Radio (January 2015)
18:00-19:00 UTC European Music Radio (May 1979)

Good Listening!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

4026-7.10 Laser Hot Hits With Music From OMD And The Pet Shop Boys. Also Short Recording Of The BBC Radio Frequency Changes In 1978. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6205-7.20 Radio King Shortwave Oldies Including The Rolling Stones And The Bee Gees. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6254-7.40 Radio Marabu Playing German Rock Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-7.30 Radio Britannia Via Radio Focus International Oldies Including Queen, David Bowie And Wizard. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-8.45 Radio Flamingo Playing Polka And Dutch Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 43433

6382-10.15 Radio Baken 16 Playing Rock And Pop Music Including The Doors" light my fire". Fair Signal Sinpo 43334

6320-16.30 Bogusman With Music From The Go-Go's And Dare.. Also Talking About Belinda Carlisle. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6373-16.55  Unid Playing Country Music. Closed Down When Strong Carrier Came On 6375. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6385-17.20 Radio Witte Reus Playing Instrumental Music. Fair Signal With Some Noise Sinpo 43233

6305-17.35 Crazy Wave Radio Just About Hear Some Music. Very Weak Signal Sinpo 23222

6285-18.10 Radio Focus International Oldies Including Gary Moore. Also Mouth And McNeil. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6254-18.30 Radio Marabu Rock Music And Oldies Including Duran Duran" Rio". Strong Signal. Occasional Fading Sinpo 54444

Thursday, February 5, 2015

6290-17.35 Radio Verona  Instrumental And Dutch Music. Also I'd. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-22.15 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Dance Music And Oldies Including KC And The Sunshine Band" that's the way i like it". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

6300-16.55 Radio Merlin International With music From The Charlie Daniels Band And Stan Ridgeway. Also Id Jingles. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 43433

6747-17.05 Radio Pioneer Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6305-17.15 Radio Norton Playing Dutch And Polka Music. Fair Signal, Occasional Fading Sinpo 43233

6940-17.30 Radio Experience Playing Dance Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6400-17.50 Quasar Radio Playing Rock Album Tracks. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

4026-18.55 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence Talking About When Radio 1 Used To Join Radio 2 On A Sunday Evening For The Top Forty Chart Show. Also Pop And Dance Music Including  Banaramarama. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Monday, February 2, 2015

E-QSL From Premier Radio

                                                           Many Thanks For The E-Qsl.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

6205-7.20 Radio King Shortwave Rock Music And Oldies Including The Love Affair" bringing back all the good times". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-7.32 Laser Hot Hits With Music From The Cars" heartbeat city" And Dire Straits" so far away". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

7620-8.20  Radio Waves International With Music From Led Zeppelin" stairway to heaven". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6950-8.32 Radio Enterprise Music From Jackson Browne" running on empty" And The Fine Young Cannibals" suspicious mind's" Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6250-8.48 Radio Ac/Dc Rock Music Including Ac/ Dc And Queen. Also Saying Hello To Phillip In France. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6285-9.03 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic. Music From Howard Jones And Lilly Allen. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6240-9.50 Premier Radio With Music From Oasis,  Robbie Williams And Wet Wet Wet. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6240-15.03 Radio Experience with Mix Pop, Rock And Dance Including Belinda Carlisle And Aqua. Good Signal, Occasional Fading Sinpo 43443

6305-15.15 Radio Telestar Playing Oldies Including Desmond Decker" the Israelites" And The Hollies" bus stop". Sinpo 44333

6285-15.25 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic Ian Lawrence With Music From Madonna, James And Jacki Graham. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-15.40 Radio Blauwe Panther Playing Oldies Including Toto" africa". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6401-16.03 Radio Joey With Music From The Who And Donna Summer. Also I'd Jingles. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6392-16.15 Radio Montferland With Music From Bruce Springsteen" dancing in the dark" And Sniff And Tears" driver car". Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6385-16.40 Little Feet Radio With Music From The Sweet, CCR And Wilson Phillips. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6385-17.45 Radio Adu Dhabi With Music From Sandra And Roxette. Also Some Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6401-18.03 Radio Joey Playing Pop Music Including Boy George" everything I own". Fair Signal With Some Noise Sinpo 43233