Pirates For Peace

Sunday, June 26, 2016

6205-7.56 Coast Fm Via Relay Lenny Kravitz, Wiz Khalifa And Diana Ross Sinpo 54444

6288-9.10 Unid Pop Song Heard Briefly Before Fading Out Sinpo 33233

6260-20.20 Unid Oldies And Country Music Including Desmond Dekker Sinpo 44344

6205-20.30 Coast FM Via Relay Pop Music Including The Fry" how to save a life" Sinpo 54444

6285-20.40 Radio Akenzo Dutch Songs Sinpo 54444

6305-21.27 Radio Underground Rap And Dutch Music Sinpo 44344

6320-21.42 Unid Rock, Polish And Dutch Music Including Teresa Werner And Metallica Sinpo 54444

Saturday, June 25, 2016

6205-18.25 Coast Fm Via Relay In Ire. Amelia Lily, Midnight Star And Poswer Sinpo 54444

6262-20.30 Unid Music From Yes, Otis Redding And Elvis Presley Sinpo 44344

6322-20.45 Radio Odynn Music From CCR, Ranking Dread And ELO Sinpo 43333

6385-21.00 Studio 52/ Hitmix Radio Dutch Songs And Talking Sinpo 33333

6288-21.10 Radio Mr Cash Dutch/ Polka Music. Was On 6285 Moved Here To Avoid Splash from Unid On 6280,  Sinpo 33333

6235-22.25 Sluwe Vos Radio Russian Pop Music Including Alezander Rybak" komorovo" Sinpo 54444
HLR, KBC, R Gloria & Relay Info

Saturday HLR:
06.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
11.00 to16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

KBC this Sunday:
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, 6095 KHz - The Giant Jukebox

RGI on Sunday:
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 7310  via shortwaveservice.com
Internet repeats:
15.00 to 17.00 UTC via  Coloradio.org laut.fm/jukebox
Good reception ! Reports welcome at:  radiogloria@aol.com
Radio Gloria International has a NEW Website: http://rgi.fmkompakt.de

Sunday HLR:
09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet :    www.hamburger-lokalradio.net  Daily 24 h

Hobart Radio International:
Please Email: hriradio@gmail.com   Thank you!


Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:


Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/

You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: http://laut.fm/jukebox 

Good Listening!

European Music Radio:

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

*This email is in HTML, some text may not display properly.*

*This and next weekend you're in for a special show like no other. We are
issuing special eQSLs for your reports! *
If you're in Europe, the USA, North Asia/Middle East hear us on 11580kHz at
2030-2100UTC and 2330-0000UTC every Saturday evening.

We have attached a flyer for our special transmission.

Hear us this weekend!! Our A16 schedule can be found at:

Also available to listen to us on live feeds via:
WRMI <http://www.wrmi.net/pb/wp_7e6f3eb9/wp_7e6f3eb9.html>
WBCQ <http://www.wbcq.com/?page_id=7>
and World FM <http://www.worldfm.co.nz/listen.php>.

*Interval Signals Special Part 2*
In Part 2 we continue opening the vaults and exploring present and past
interval signals. An interval or tuning signal is a distinctive tune or
sound that tells us who's on air. This is a two part series.

More at our website: hriradio.org
*For the latest updates:*
Join us on Facebook at: facebook.com/hobartradiointl Over 890 likes!
Join us on Twitter @hobartradiointl
Subscribe to the RSS feed <http://www.hriradio.org/feeds/posts/default>

Kind regards,

Rob Wise.
*Hobart Radio International - The Voice of Tasmania*
Lewisham, 7173 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Web: hriradio.org Twitter: @hobartradiointl Facebook:
Hobart Radio International is a shortwave community service relayed across
Europe, North America, South America and New Zealand and features the *The
Buzz *and* In The Zone* shows!
Like what we do? Donate
we can afford more airtime and cover more regions of the world.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

6255-6.45 Radio Ac/Dc Roxy Music, ELO And Ac/Dc. Occasional Fair Peaks Sinpo 33333

11650-7.05 EMR Tom Taylor With Music From Kayak, CCS And Giorgio Moroder Feat. Sia Sinpo 54444

6205-7.28 Coast FM Via Relay In Ireland Pharrell Williams And Heart Sinpo 54444. Later On In The Morning Signal Faded Out Completely.

6325-7.43 Radio Northpole Dutch And Instrumental Music Including Marianne Weber Sinpo 33333

6232-7.55 Unid Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Culture Club And Cyndi Lauper. Same Program As Yesterday Sinpo 54444

6045-8.30 EMR Tony Curie Reading Reception Reports And The Who" come together" Sinpo 54444. Also On 9485 Sinpo 43333

6305-8.40 Radio Merlin International The Temptations, Rose Royce And M Sinpo 33433

6266-21.48 Radio Batavier Dutch Music. Closed Down 5 Minutes Later Sinpo 44344

6390-21.55 Little Feat Radio Paul Young" wherever i lay my hat" And Id's Sinpo 44333

6305-22.05 Radio Merlin International Music From Nice And Eddy Grant Sinpo 43433

6320-22.20 Radio Caroline International( tent) Pop Music Sinpo 33333

6232-22.30 Unid 80's Music Including The Cure And Womack & Womack Sinpo 54444

6205-22.55 Coast Fm Via Relay Pop Music Followed By The News Sinpo 54444

Saturday, June 18, 2016

6232-19.00 Unid Culture Club, Cyndi Lauper And David Bowie Sinpo 55444

6260-19.00 Radio Joey The Qsmonds" crazy horses" And Corona" Rhythm of the night". Some Utility Qrm Sinpo 44343

6005-19.20 Radio Northern Ireland Via Relay Rock Music Including Stone Sour Sinpo 43433

6205-19.30 Radio Northern Ireland Via Coast Fm The Cranberries" zombie" And SSTV Transmission. Signal Sometimes Good Sinpo 44344, Other Times Weak Sinpo 33233

6290-19.40 Radio Pioneer Dutch Songs Sinpo 34333

6225-19.50 Radio Sunflower Susanna Vega And Bonnie Tyler. Id Jingle Sinpo 43333

5805-20.55 Laser Hot Hits Pop/ Dance Mix Including Another Level And Joseph Payne Sinpo 44344

5840-21.33 Sluwe Vos Radio Sniff N' Tears, Bruce Springsteen, Ses And Grant Miller Sinpo 54444

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Key Channel Radio broadcast Saturday, June 18, 2016


Dear friends, Key Channel Radio will again broadcast Saturday, June 18, 2016 with
our fourth broadcast on 6920 kHz from 13'00 to 01'00 UTC ( 15'00 - 03'00 CET ) . Such beautiful music of all genres from around the world. Friday 17 and Sunday 19 we could send test transmissions .
Your listening reports are always welcome . 
If you do not want in the future to receive our E - Mail notify us . 
Good listening !!
Key Channel Radio sarà di nuovo in onda sabato 18 Giugno 2016 con la nostra quarta trasmissione su KHz 6920 dalle 13'00 alle 01'00 UTC ( 15'00 - 03'00 CET).

Tanta bella musica di tutti i generi da ogni parte del mondo.
Venerdi 17 e domenica 19 potremmo trasmettere trasmissioni test.
I vostri rapporti di ascolto sono sempre benvenuti.
Se non desiderate in futuro ricevere le nostre E-Mail avvisateci  :) .

Buon ascolto!!

The KCR Team

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

6267-22.00 Radio Batavier Music From barbarella. Closed Down At 22.05 Sinpo 44344

6287-22.06 Unid Meatloaf, Guns And Roses And Rem Sinpo 54444

5805-22.15 Laser Hot Hits Dave Norris With Music From Al Martino, The Drifters, Hoazier And The Cure Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

Sunday, June 12, 2016

5805-18.40 Laser Hot Hits Martin Scott Talking About The Upcoming UU Referendum Sinpo 44344

6285-19.00 Radio Akenzo Ac/Dc" thunderstruck", Sabrina" boys" And Dutch Music Sinpo 54444

6305-19.15 Unid Music From Dan Le Sal v Scorbius And Tame Impala Sinpo 44344

6255-19.30 Radio Merlin International Jackie Frost With Music From Pete Townsend, The Animals And The Moody Blues Sinpo 43333

6265-20.08 Radio 42 Polka Music And Oldies Including The Beatles And The Bee Gees Sinpo 44333

6305- 21.20 Radio Merlin International Rock Music Including The Doors And Splodgenessabounds. Sinpo 44344

Saturday, June 11, 2016

6325-18.58 Radio Joey Dance Music Sinpo 44344

6305-19.10 Radio Merlin International Jackie Frost With Music From The Scorpions, Jimi Hendrix And Thin Lizzy Sinpo 34333

6285-19.20 Radio Piercian Eurythmics, Chicroy Tip And Ozzy Osbourne Sinpo 33333

6205-19.30 Coast FM Via Relay Pop And Oldies Including Nicole Scherzinger And Gary Newman Sinpo 54444

6255-20.30 Free Radio Victoria Blonde" tide is high" And Glen Campbell" rhinestone cowboy" Sinpo 44344

6290-20.45 Unid Pop/ Dance Mix Sinpo 33333

6266-21.08 Unid Culture Club, Dexys Midnight Runners And David Grant/ Jacki Graham Sinpo 54444

5805-21.45 Laser Hot Hits Martin Scott With His EU Referendum Program Sinpo 54444

6305-21.55 Radio Merlin International Deep Purple" smoke on the water" And Lynyrd Skynyrd" free bird". Closing Down Sinpo 44344
Relays this weekend

Saturday HLR:
06.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday, 12th of June, with our 34th anniversary show,
at 0700 and 1900 UTC on 6070 kHz, and at the same time on our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Special QSL card available, by sending a detailed reception report to :atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Sunday HLR:
09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz

Hobart Radio International has an additional broadcast Tuesdays 9955kHz 2230-2300 via WRMI

EMR scheduled Short Wave Transmissions for June 2016:
Relay on 18th of June 2016:  
NEW Time Slot
17.00 to 18.00 (Eastern Time) on 7490 KHz - Central & North America via WBCQ.
Relays on 19th of June 2016:07.00 to 08.00 UTC on 11650 KHz - Southern Europe - Portugal & Spain via KBC. 
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  on   6045 KHz - Western Europe & UK via KBC
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on   9485 KHz - Western Europe & UK via MV Baltic Radio.
19.00 to 20.00 UTC  on   6070 KHz - Western Europe & UK via Channel 292.


Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:


Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

6285-21.00 Little Feet Radio Snap" rhythm is a dancer", Robert Holmes" him" And Shakatak. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

New Website From Radio Northern Ireland



Radio Northern Ireland Broadcasts On SW Using Relays Services From Europe And The USA.

Info On Future Broadcasts Can Found On The Website Along With Recordings Of Past Shows And Much More.

Here is the schedule for the next broadcasts of Marconi Radio International (MRI) on 8, 15, 22 and 30 June 2016: 1730-1830 UTC on 13960 kHz (USB mode), 1915-2015 UTC on 15070 kHz (USB mode) and 2045-2145 UTC on 7700 kHz (USB Mode).

Our broadcasts include some kind of programmes now sadly missing from most shortwave radio stations:  an old style DX show in English “Italian Short Wave Panorama” with lot of recent logs  as well as  a mailbag programme in Italian. Our  station identification  announcements are not only in English and Italian but also in French, German, Spanish and Catalan.

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our electronic mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com - Please don’t forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also receive a printed QSL card.

Last but not least,  we need your help! If you use social networks, please post an announcement on Facebook  or send out a tweet the day  before the broadcast. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should help increase our  potential audience.

We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.

Best 73's

Marconi Radio International (MRI)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

6210-19.00 Radio Merlin International Rock Music Including Aerosmith Sinpo 43333

6310-19.13(usb) Mike Radio Robbie Robertson, Boston, Axel F And Jean Michelle Jarre Sinpo 54444

6285-19.25 Hitmix Radio Dutch Folk And Country Music Sinpo 33233

6320-20.50 Radio Johnny Tobacco(tent) Dutch/ Country Music And Oldies Including Johnny Cash, Cliff Richard And Terry Jacks Sinpo 54444

Monday, June 6, 2016

6280-20.45 Radio Batavier Pat Benetar, Men At work, Haddaway And U2 Sinpo 43444

Sunday, June 5, 2016

6260-6.08 Radio Focus International Al Stewart, The Cutting Crew And Little Steven Sinpo 44344

6285-6.20 Radio Focus International Keith West, Manfred Mann And The Cowsills Sinpo 44344

6205-7.20 Coast FM Via Relay Live Program. Meghan Trainor, Atomic Kitten And Lawson Sinpo 54444

6240-8.28 Unid Hot Butter, Leo Sayer And Jim Croce. Fading Up And Down Sinpo 43333

6300-8.50 Unid Relaxing Instrumental Music From Andre Popp, Apollo100 And Herb Albert. Pity Id Wasnt Givin Sinpo 44333

6230-9.03 Radio Casanova Dutch Songs And Oldies Including Het Radi Ensemble, The Searchers And The Hollies Sinpo 44343

5835-18.25 Bogusman Via LHH. The Desperate Journalist, Simon Dupree & The Big Sound And Cold Water Flat Sinpo 44344

6205-18.36 Coast Fm Via Relay Montell Jordan, George Ezra And Foreigner Sinpo 54444

6325- 18.45 Radio Telestar Robin S And Michael Zager Band. Closing Down Sinpo 33433                                                                                                                                                                               Many Thanks For The Quick E-Qsl

6260-18.55 Radio Focus International The Eagles" hotel California" And Bobby Knox" party doll" Sinpo 43333

6210-19.18 Radio Merlin International Edwin Collins And Ratt. Splash From Coast Fm On 6205 Sinpo 33333

6280-21.53 Radio Batavier Pat Benetar, Cyndi Lauper, Scott Mckenzie And Four Non Blondes Sinpo 54444

Saturday, June 4, 2016

6260-6.20 Radio Focus international The Allman Brothers" ramblin man" And Bad Finger" come and get it" Sinpo 44344

6285-6.30 Radio Focus international Terry Philips Wanting To Know Whether 6285 Or 6260 Is The Better Frequency At Your Location. Adam Faith, Laura Braingan And David And Jonathan Sinpo 44344

6205-8.15 Coast Fm Via Relay Pop Music Including DNCE And Joe Moses Sinpo 54444

6205-19.00 Coast FM Via Relay Tight fit" lion sleeps tonight" And Asward" shine" Sinpo 54444

6235-19.10 Radio Pandora Oldies And Chat Including The Who" substitue" Sinpo 34333

6285-19.20 Radio Focus International Golden Earring, Prelude And Buffalo Springfield Sinpo 44433

6260-19.30 Radio Focus International Barclay James Harvest, Adam Faith And Laura Branigan" self control". Occasional Utility Qrm Sinpo 44333

6267-20.15 Radio Mustang Toto" hold the line" And Guns And Roses" paradise city" Sinpo 55444

6235-20.25 Radio Pandora Music From Chris Farlowe And The Animals Sinpo 43333

6305-20.35 Unid Vengaboys Songs Sinpo 54444

6320-20.48 Radio Python Pop/Dance Mix Sinpo 54444

6320-20.05 Radio Northen Ireland Pop/ Rock Music Including The Cranberries Sinpo 54444. Also On 15770 SSTV Transmission Sinpo 44344

6935-21.18 Radio TRX Oldies Including Chuck Berry And The Teddy Bears Sinpo 54444
Relays this weekend

Saturday HLR:
06.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Radio Joystick:
10.00 to 11.00 UTC on 7330 KHz  (100 KW)
Contact the Station: http://radiojoystick.de

Sunday HLR:
09.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
HLR FM-DAB+ Program via the Internet :    www.hamburger-lokalradio.net  Daily 24 h

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/

You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: http://laut.fm/jukebox 


Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:


Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

Good Listening!
73s,  Tom

European Music Radio:

Friday, June 3, 2016

6305-18.45 Radio Merlin International Danny Williams" moon river" And Clarence Henry" but i do" Sinpo 44344

6292-18.55 Radio Pioneer Dutch Songs Sinpo 43333

6285-19.05 Radio Focus InternationalThe Lurkers, Neil Diamond And Garry Moore Sinpo 44344

6268-19.15 Unid Dutch And Country Music Including Toby Keith" i love this bar" Sinpo 54444

6260-19.25 Radio Focus International Cream And Lynyrd Skynyrd Sinpo 43444

6320-19.48 Radio Batavier Music From Quintus, Elle King And Destinys Child Sinpo 54444

6205-20.00 Coast FM Vid Relay Pop Music Including Justin Bieber" love yourself" Sinpo 54444

Thursday, June 2, 2016

6292-20.30 Radio Batavier The Sweet Songs" fox on the run" And"hell raiser" Sinpo 54444

6280-20.40 Unid Old Time Dutch Songs Sinpo 55444

6305-20.55 Radio Ronalisa Oldies And Dutch Music Including Bryan Adams, Meatloaf And Jeff Wayne Sinpo 34333

6320-21.13 Radio Verona Dutch And Talking. Closed Down A Few Minutes Later Sinpo 44344

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

6305-21.50 Radio Merlin International Oldies Including ELO" showdown" And Roxy Music" Virgina plane"

6280-22.10 Radio Verona Dutch Songs. Moved Here From 6325 To Avoid Utility Qrm Sinpo 54444