1611-4.58 Radio Noordstar.Dutch/ Polka Music Including Gert Hollander Sinpo 54444
648-5.08 Radio Caroline. Bob Dylan, Bears Den, Dobbie Brothers Sinpo 54444
981-5.18 Radio Star Country. The Eagles, Charlie Walker, Louise Morrissey Sinpo 44433
846-5.28 Radio North. Gareth Brooks Sinpo 33322
1645-5.50 Unid. Dutch Music Including Thomas Eickem And Band Sinpo 34433
1629-6.00 Unid. Frankie Yankovic, Ohio Express Sinpo 34433
1620-6 10 Unid. Polka Music, Co-Channel Qrm Sinpo 32433
5880-6.20 Radio Rock Revolution. Pink Floyd, The Hives, Beck Sinpo 44433
6130-6.40 Radio Jong Europe. David Vandetta And Barbara Turner, Tom Pulse Sinpo 54444
5140-6.30 Charleston Radio. Music From 30's And 40's Sinpo 33333
6120-7.40 Radio Casanova. Dutch Music, Boney M, Country Track Sinpo 44433
6105-7.50 Hit Mix Radio( testing). CCR, Climax Blues Band Sinpo 54444
6200-8.00 Technical Man. The Party Boys, Stampvast, Black Lace Sinpo 54444
6275-8.15 Radio Parade International. Old Time Music Including George Formby, The Goons Sinpo 44444
6400-9.10 Nova AM. The Dobbie Brothers, Jean Michel Jarre, The O'Jays Sinpo 33433
7475-9.23 Star Radio. Flash And The Pan, Men At Work, Genesis Sinpo 33333
5990-10.00 Radio Blackstone. London Beat, Peter Kent, Peter Sarstedt Sinpo 44433
6275-16.05 Radio Batavia. Gloria Estefan, Cyndi Lauper, Aukje Sinpo 44444
6205-16.15 Technical Man. Queen, Scorpions Sinpo 54444
5800-16.40 Continental Radio. Vicky Leandros, De Havenzanger's Sinpo 44433
6240-16.50 Unid. Toto, Toy Box, USA For Africa Sinpo 44444
6210-17.03 Radio King Sw. Aventasia" the wicked symphony" Sinpo 34333
5284-17.15 Unid. Peter Frampton" lines on fire" Off@ 17.20 Sinpo 44344
9240-17.24 Radio Parade International. Survivor, Irene Cara, Eddy Grant, Adam Ant Sinpo 44444
6005-17.40 Radio Blackstone. Van Vici, Jean Marie & Hilltight Tribe, Dj Blackstone, Cd@17.47 Sinpo 44433
5800-17.49 Radio Akenzo. De Heikrekels, Peggy March Sinpo 44444