Pirates For Peace

Saturday, September 15, 2012

4026-6.43 Laser Hot Hits Playing New Musik And Dido. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

6965-12.00 Laser Hot Hits With Music From Alan Parsons Project Followed By Martin Scott's Dance Show. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6302-15.13 Unid Playing Instrumental Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32122

6320-16.12  Radio Countdown Playing Seal"crazy" And Dance Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6280-16,26 Unid Playing Instrumental Music. Weak signal, Odd Fair Peak Sinpo 33323

6325-18.20  Radio Caroline International With Dance Music And Id Jingles. Weak Signal Sinpo 33322

6207-18.28 Bluestar Radio With Music From Guns And Roses And The Cascades. Also Talking In English And Dutch. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6525-18.47 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Tracy Chapman"Fast Car". Weak Signal Sinpo 32323

6255-10.45 Radio Telestar South With Music From Credence Clearwater Rival And Chairman Of The Board. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6940-19.55 Irish Music Radio John Playing Little Richard And R&B Music. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

3905-20.45 Radio Alice With Rock Music. Fair Signal, But noisy Sinpo 43233

6525-20.56 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Bob Marley"is this love". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6925(lsb)-21.05 Radio Tropiq Playing The Rolling Stones And Blues Music. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Paul,

thanks for such log of us again....we should change our antenna again, I think!

Radio Caroline International.