Pirates For Peace

Saturday, January 19, 2013


                           Comment Left On My Blog By Charlie Prince

RADIO JOYSTICK: New year, new music and new frequency for the Charlie-Prince-Show

Midday of 20 January and on every first Sunday of each month you can hear Charlie on 7330 kHz

For 25 years monthly on shortwave: Funky Sounds 4 Central Europe! Topics on every first weekend of each month are: Malta, media, music - and more!

In the new year we will use 100 kW output power from Issoudun (F) to reach more listeners. Frequency promises better reception, too:
From February onwards the Charlie Prince Show will be heard on 7330 kHz in the 41-meter shortwave band.

After a "test" transmission on 20th of January 2013 at 12 clock CET on 7330 kHz one can hear us on every first Sunday of each month from 12 o'clock German time!
On this frequency!

Audible anytime via Internet: www.play.fm/artist/charlieprince

We report on Malta ...

Since that island nation stopped its foreign radio services, DJ Charlie Prince reports on interesting news and facts.
Finally, Malta is an important external EU border - and offers best relations with Libya!

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