Pirates For Peace

Monday, February 4, 2013

6240-16.41 Radio Flying Dutchman With Dutch Music And Talking. Also Id Closing Down Jingle. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6285-16.52 Unid Playing Instrumental And Dutch Music Including The Tornadoes"telestar"  Sinpo 44344

6325-17.15 Radio Caroline International With Pop Music. Fair Signal, With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

3905-23.55 Polaris Radio With Instrumental Music And Kool And The Gang"fresh". Also Id Jingle. Good Signal, Slight Utility Noise Sinpo 43444

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Paul,

tnx a lot for such nice log from your side!
Be so kind please and put such fading away
from our signal, haha!!!

R.Caroline/Rainbow International.