Pirates For Peace

Saturday, March 23, 2013

4026-8.25 Laser Hot Hits With Music From Kenny Everett, Maroon 5 And Bruce Springsteen. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6553-9.25 Radio Pink Panther With Instrumental And Pop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 33322

6937-9.35 IMR John Playing Van Morrison, Smokie And The Beatles. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6300-14.45 Radio Underground Steve Playing Reggae, Pop And Rock Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6950-15.20 Bluestar Radio With Music From The Scopions And Scooter. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6205-16.15 Unid Playing The Righteous Brothers"unchained Melody". Weak Signal Sinpo 33232

6290-16.35 Unid With Dance And Pop Music. Off Suddenly At 16.43. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6291-17.25  Radio Caroline International  With Pop And Hip Hop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32332.

6280-17.48 Radio Black Arrow With Music From Queen And Van Halen. Giving Out E-mail Address radioblackarrow@hotmail.com. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6553-18.05 Radio Pink Panther Playing Queen"radio ga ga", followed By A Euro Pop Song. Fair Signal  Sinpo 43333

6306-18.45 Radio Skyline Germany Id's And Music. Weak Signal, Just Caught Id On A Rare Fair Peak Sinpo 33322

6285-19.40 Radio Python With Instrumental And Pop Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

tnx for such log of us!!!! Here still about 1/2mtr of snow and now -17 degrees C here, terrible for spring!

Have a nice sunday please!!
Radio Caroline International.