Pirates For Peace

Friday, May 17, 2013

6305-17.20 Radio Merlin International(tent) With Music From Cher"believe". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6300-17.55 Radio Fox 48 With Music From Sweet"fox on the run", Followed By Some Dance Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

6325-18.23 Radio Norton(tent) Playing Pop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32332

6290-19.13 Radio Atlantic With Dance Music. Weak Signal, With some Fair Peaks Sinpo 33233

6400-19.28 Delta Radio WB Playing Rock Music. Sinpo 33323

6425-21.00 Radio Underground Playing The Laughing Policeman Song And A Song About Pirate Radio Stations. Also Some Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6553-21.10 Radio Pink Panther Playing Country Music, Europop And Oldies Including Luv. Good Signal Sinpo 43444.

15880-20.30 Radio Spaceshutle Greetings And Contact Details. Also Music From Bill Haley, ELO And Finnish Music. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6932-21.45 IMR John Playing"Asereje(the ketchup song),"Una Paloma Blanc" And"sunday morning". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

3905-21.55 Skyline Radio International With Music From The Kinks, The Bee Gees And Suzi Quarto. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6245-22.15 Shortwave Gold Id Jingle And Oldies. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

4026-22.25 Laser Hot Hits With Dance And Pop Muisc. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

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