Pirates For Peace

Friday, August 23, 2013

6240-19.20 Radio Mustang Playing Rock Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6400-20.00 Radio Caroline International/ Radio Rainbow International Playing Rock And Pop Music. Also Id Jingle. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

3905-20.10 Skyline Radio International Playing Oldies And  Instrumental Music Including UB40/ Chrissie Hynde. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6925-20.25 Radio Pink Panther With Music From Tina Turner, Madonna And Depeche Mode. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6745-20.45 Radio Pioneer Playing Pop Music And Oldies. Also Id Jingle.; Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 44333

4026-20.55 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From Kid Creole And The Coconuts"annie im not your daddy". Also Hall And Oates"out of touch. Good Signal, Occasional Fading Sinpo 44434

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tnx for such log of us, Mr. Paul at such small island (haha)!

Radio Enilorac International