Pirates For Peace

Friday, January 3, 2014

HLR-Saturday And Sunday is MVBR on air.

HLR & MVBR this Weekend

 0600 - 0700 UTC, 7265 kHz, Spanish
 0700 - 0800 UTC, 7265 kHz, English (incl. World of Radio at 0730 UTC)
 0800 - 0900 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
 0900 - 1200 UTC, 6190 kHz, German
 1200 - 1400 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
 1400 - 1500 UTC, 7265 kHz, Spanish
 1500 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, English (incl. World of Radio at 1530 UTC)

Sunday is MVBR on air.
0900 - 1000 UTC, 7265 KHz
1000 - 1100 UTC, 9480 KHz (repeat)

This program will be repeat on second Sunday on 6190 KHz.

Good Listening!


Info Via Dr Tim's Newsletter.

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