Pirates For Peace

Sunday, October 26, 2014

4026-6.38 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From Aqua" turn back time" And Atlantic Ocean" waterfall". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-6.50 Radio Bizon Playing Dutch/ Polka Music. Also Cliff Richard And Britney Spears. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6205-7.15 Laser Hot Hits Via Radio Magic. Music From ELO, Bucks Fizz, Madonna And Whitney Houston. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6245 Radio Casanova Playing Dutch Music. Moved To 6250 At 8.10. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6255-8.15 Radio Northpole Playing Dance/ Rap Music. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 34433

6320-8.25 Radio Montferland( tent) Playing Country Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6260-8.40 Radio Northpole Moved Here From 6255. Dance Music Including" can you feel it"
Sinpo 34433

7700.9.02 FRS Holland Peter With Music From Hottie And The Blowfish. Also Reading Out Reception Reports. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

9485-9.15 Radio Gloria International Playing Oldies And Instrumental Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6320- 9.45 Radio Montferland With Music From Fiction Factory" feels like heaven" And Chic" good times". Also Some Instrumental Music. Strong Signal Odd Fading Sinpo 54444

6300-10.00 Unid. Just Barely Hear Some Music. To Weak To Get I'd. Sinpo 33222

9300-10.10 FRS Holland In Parallel with 7700. German Program. Pop Music And Talking In German. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6325-10.25 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6396-10.35 WMR Jack With Music From Fern Kinney" together we are beautiful" And Talking About Alvin Stardust Passing Away During The Week. Faded Out At 10.43. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

9300-12.10 FRS Holland Dave Scott Music From Rick Wickman And A Recording Of Radio Galactic From 1983. Also Reading Out Reception Reports. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6950-12.45 Laser Hot Hits Via Radio Blackbeard. Ian Lawrence With A Live Program. Pop And Dance Music Including Madison Avenue" don't call me baby". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

7700-13.05 FRS Holland Music From Donna Allen, Donald Fagan And Swing Out Sister. Signal Still Strong Sinpo 54444

6266-16.00 Unid Playing Rock Music. Strong Carrier Came On Top Of It Causing A Whistle To Come On Sinpo 42333

6290-16.10 Radio Rode Adelaar Playing Dutch Music. Splash From Reflections Europe On 6295 Sinpo 42333

6325-17.10 Radio Jan Keizer Playing Dutch Music And Johnny Cash. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6396-17.20 WMR Playing Alvin Stardust  Songs Including" Red dress" And " jealous mind". Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6285-17.30 Radio Telestar With Music From Bill Haley And The Comets" rock around the clock". Also Danny And The Juniors" at the hop". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6950-17.40 Laser Hot Hits Via Radio Blackbeard. Martin Scott Playing Dance And Pop Music. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6266-17.52 Unid In The Clear Now. Music From Manfred Mann" mighty quinn" And The Monkeys" I'm a believer". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6305-18.02 Radio Supersound With Music From Desmond Decker" the Israelites" And I'd Jingles. Weak Signal Sinpo 32332

6255-18.10 Radio Telestar South Oldies Including Marmalade And The Lovin Spoonful. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6915-19.05 Premier Radio Jimmy With Music From Starship, Alvin Stardust And Toni Basil. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6306-19.20 Radio Joey With Music From The Police, The Moody Blues And Sniff And Tears. Fair To Good Signal Sinpo 34433

6283-19.35 Wizard Radio Testing His Antenna And Audio. Instrumental, Dance Music And Eddy Grant. Also Talking About Condations. Audio Sounded Ok Here. Nice And Clear. Strong Signal , Very Odd Faded Sinpo 54444


Anonymous said...

Pandora on 9.315

Irish Paul said...

No signal Here at the moment,
Maybe later if still on.

Anonymous said...

their is 2 stations on 6.205 at the same time as i write.1627.pm. noted this before, on other days.