Pirates For Peace

Friday, November 14, 2014

6380-17.22 Radio Montferland With Music From Barry White, The Pet Shop Boys And Bruce Springsteen. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6285-17.40 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic 6205?. Paul Stewart With Music From Odessy" inside out" And Sailor" glass of champagne". Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6305-17.55 Unid Playing Pop Music. Weak Signal Sinpo 32332

6295-18.10 Radio Twentana Playing Dutch Music. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6306-19.00 Unid Playing Polka/ Instrumental Music. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6285-23.40 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic 6205?. Dance Music Including Daft Punk. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

6295--23.50 Radio Black Bandit( tent) Playing Polka And Dutch Music. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6305-00.00 TRX Radio Playing Rock N' Roll And Blues Music. Weak Signal With Some Fair Peaks Sinpo 33333


Anonymous said...

6285, laser hot hits, relay via focus/ blackbeard..? what has happened to magic 6205. start 1-11-2014.? focus wont b too happy if magic are going to use 2685. they have been here for a long time.

Irish Paul said...

Interesting Question.
there are no updates on Magic 6205 website as to why they didn't start full programs on 1st November.
You are right Focus wont be to happy if they use 6285 on a regular basis.
No sign of LHH on 6285 this evening.