Pirates For Peace

Sunday, January 18, 2015

4026-7.03 Laser Hot Hits Paul Stewart With Music From TLC, Boney M And Clout. Also Talking About The Energy Efficiency Of Electrical Appliances . Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6205-7.15 Radio King Shortwave Rock Music And Oldies Including Slade" coz i love you". Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6299-7.27 Radio Orang Utan With Music From Haddaway" what is love" And Mc Hammer" you can't touch that". Also Some Polka Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

7265-8.15 EMR Oldies Including Def Leppard. Good Signal Sinpo 43444

6300-8.30 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

6295-8.50 Radio Twentana Playing Polka And Dutch Music. Weak Signal  With Some Fair Peaks Sinpo 32333

6280-9.30 Radio Merlin International Rock Music And Id Jingles. Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33233

9485-9.40 EMR With Music From Squeeze And The Kinks. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6285-12.05 Laser Hot Hits Via Magic Dave Norris With Music From The Black Eyed Peas, The Fugees And Alice Deejay. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444. Audio Sounding Much Better.

6240-15.38 Radio Experience with Music From Dire Straits" telegraph road" And Peter Frampton"show me theway". Weak To Fair Signal Sinpo 33333

6299-15.50 Magic AM Oldies Including Human League, Status Quo And Hot Chocolate. Good Signal Some Splash From Reflections Europe On 6295 Sinpo 43443

6320-16.00 Radio Akenzo( see comments) Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333

6330-16.10 Radio Zwarte Panther Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323

6385-16.20 Radio Powerliner Qso Report And Music From Elvis Presley. Good Signal Sinpo 44344

6803-16.28 Radio Pink Panther Playing Dutch Music. Also Jimmy James & The Vagabond And Aneka. Fair Signal Sinpo 34333

6385-16.45 Unid Talking In Dutch. Qso Report Sinpo 43333

6285-17.40 Laser Hot Hits Ian Lawrence With Music From The Rolling Stones, Duran Duran And Visage. Strong Signal Sinpo 54444

6220-17.53 Mystery Radio Playing Disco Music. Strong Signal With Some Utility Qrm Sinpo 53443

6305-18.15 Radio Merlin International Jackie Frost With Music From BA Robertson, Mathrews Son's & Comfort, Toto And Sonny. Fair Signal With Some Fading Sinpo 43323


Axel (Germany) said...

6320-16.00 Unid Playing Dutch Music. Fair Signal Sinpo 43333
=> that was R. Akenzo.
Many thanks for your good work, very appreciated.

Irish Paul said...

Hello Axel,
Many thanks for your help And your kind comments.
