Pirates For Peace

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Geronimo SW E-Mail Problems

Geronimoshortwave ( RGSW ) has been experiencing some problems on there Hotmail .com email contact address for some time now. After contacting Hotmail direct they have decided to carry out some maintenance on the site, which means Geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com will be out of service for one month.
So in the meantime you can contact Geronimoshortwave at Geronimoshortwave@gmail.com  We do not know if Hotmail/Outlook.com will hand over our old address ( in service since 2002 ) to us again after one month perhaps not!!
in which case we will continue with the new Gmail account.
I hope they do offer our old site back to us as we have a lot of very good old shows from the past we would like to re-transmit back over shortwave, they of course contain the Hotmail announcements.

Geronimoshortwave will be on air Sunday 31st May on 6 mhz and 9mhz from 1700hrs BST

Info Via Geronimo SW Team.

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