Pirates For Peace

Thursday, December 24, 2015

RGloria, HLR and Swedish DX Federation Relays

Saturday HLR:
07.00 to09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Updatesfrom the Sala transmitting site:
Our5 kW rig is now working well again and we will be on the air this Saturday,Dec. 26 as follows:

1100-1200 UTC Radio Nord Revival
1200-1300 UTC Programme from the Swedish DX Federation SDXF; Reports can besent to
1700-1800 UTC Radio Nord Revival
1800-1900 UTC Programme from the Swedish DX Federation SDXF
Frequencies: 3975 kHz AM 5 kW and 5940 kHz A3H 10 kW
Reception reports can be sent to QSL@sdxf.seor by post to Sveriges DX-Förbund, Box 1097, SE-40523 Göteborg, Sweden.
Allreports will be verified by real QSL cards - not eQSLs - just the way Grandadused to do it.

RGIon Sunday:
07.00to 08.00 UTC, on 9485  
08.00to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 
09.00to 10.00 UTC, on 9485 
10.00to 11.00 UTC, on 7310  via shortwaveservice.com
16.00to 17.00 UTC, on 6005  via shortwaveservice.com

16.00to 18.00 UTC via  Coloradio.org + laut.fm/jukebox
AllReports welcome at:  radiogloria@aol.com
RadioGloria International has a NEW Website: http://rgi.fmkompakt.de

12.00 to 16.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!

 RadioChannel 292 Transmission schedules:

http://www.channel292.de/schedule-for-bookings/  New Up-dates!

RadioMi Amigo Transmission schedules:

www.radiomiamigo.es/shortwave  New Up-dates!

GoodListening and a Merry Christmas!



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