Pirates For Peace

Sunday, May 22, 2016

6290-8.30 Radio NMD Dobbie Brothers And Ac/Dc. Occasional Fair Peaks, But Generally Weak Sinpo 33333.

6205-18.10 Coast Fm Via Relay Pop Music And I'd Jingles Including Culture Club Sinpo 44344

6255-18.40(USB) Radio Python(see comments) Playing Instrumental/Ambient Music Sinpo 43444

6320-17.50 Radio Johnny Tobacco(tent) Finnish And Dutch Music Including Anita Hirvonen Sinpo 54444

6285-19.00 Mustang Radio Abba, The Clash, Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy And Led Zeppelin Sinpo 54444

6305-19.15 Unid Music Just Barely Heard. Very Weak Signal Sinpo 32322

6310-19.30 Radio Blauwe Panther Dutch Folk And Country Music Sinpo 34333


Ihor said...

Hi there,
Radio Python was on 6255 in USB mode!

Irish Paul said...

Hi Ihor,
Many thanks for your help with the unid
