Pirates For Peace

Friday, February 3, 2017

FRS Holland News

Dear FRS Friend,

At long last we have added a new article/ menu item to the FRS site: QSLs Listeners.
It shows a (small) overview of QSLs we forwarded since our start in 1980 to you, the listener.
Thanks to a number of listeners, we scanned one or more QSLs from their personal FRS
collection and made those scans available on the site.
If you have one or several FRS QSL cards, we would appreciate scanning one or a few and
sending it to [frs@frsholland.nl].

In addition: personal stories/memories relating FRSH are also highly appreciated. Recently we added a contribution from Albert Ford.
See http://www.frsholland.nl/memories.html .
The new QSLs Listeners article can be found via our Image Gallery in the main menu on top of the site
http://www.frsholland.nl/frs-image-gallery/qsl-gallery/qsls-listeners.html .
In addition you also have access via the Listeners' menu: http://www.frsholland.nl/qsls-listeners.html .

Have a good weekend!

73s  Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew

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