6020-6.18 Delta Radio. The Beatles, Boudewijn De Groot, Don Henley Sinpo 54444
5140-6.30 Charlestown Radio. Music From 30's And 40's Sinpo 34333
5885-6.50 Radio Rock Revolution. Stash, Europe, Treyarch Sound Sinpo 43333
6295-8.10 Radio Cuckoo. Rick Astley, Train, Bon Jovi, Starship Sinpo 54444
5955-8.48 Radio Scotland International. Alice Cooper, Elton John, Editors Sinpo 44433
6120-8.58 Radio Casanova. Polka Music And Cd Sinpo 33433
6295-9.05 Radio Cuckoo. The Commodores" easy", I'd Jingle And Cd Sinpo 54444
6210-18.30 Radio King Sw. Supertramp Tracks From "Crisis What Crisis" Sinpo 43333
6305-18.40 Radio Merlin International. The Nice, Genesis Sinpo 33433
3920-18.50 Continental Radio. Genesis, Matthew Wilder, Mr Mister Sinpo 44444
5140-19.00 Charlestown Radio. Old Time Music Including Oscar Joost" heer ober, zwei mokka' Sinpo 34333
6283-19.35 Radio Johnny Tobacco( Presumed). Instrumental/ Dutch Music Sinpo 55444
4870-20.15 Mystery Radio. Tinlieken, The Birthday Mascare, Manowar Sinpo 54444
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