Pirates For Peace

Saturday, January 13, 2024

SW/MW Logs 13/ 01/24

1620-6.05 Radio Zorro. Dutch/ Polka Music, Connie Francis, Greetings, George Baker Selection Sinpo 45444

1512-6.18 Radio EJ. Simple Minds, Ocarina, Off Sinpo 34433

846-6.30 Radio North. Bobbie Cryner, Ricky Skaggs Sinpo 44433

1620-7.01 Radio Zorro. Roy Orbison, George Baker Selection, Mirelle Mathiew Sinpo 44433

5880-7.18 Radio Rock Revolution. Temple Of The Dog, Starship, The Beatles Sinpo 44444

5140-7.30 Charleston Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 34433

1629-7.40 Radio Alabama. Polka/ Dutch Music, De Spelbreakers, Jans Smit Sinpo 44344

1611-7.50 Radio Noordstar. Polka Music, Ids Sinpo 44433

6280-8.00 Radio Deltracks. Survivor, Elton John, Georgia Gibbs Sinpo 44444

6060-8.10 Radio Casanova. Polka/ Dutch Music, Conway Twitty, Buddy Holly Sinpo 54444

6290-9.22 Voice Of The Netherlands. Rank 1, Emma Burton, Pink Floyd Sinpo 54444

6300-9.45 Weekend Music Radio Via Kiss AM. Johnny Hates Jazz, Charlie Dore, Chris De Burgh Sinpo 54444

6290-15.18 Weekend Music Radio Via Kiss Am. Joe Cocker, Cher,  Journey Sinpo 54444

6270-15.30 Radio Zeewolf. Mario Mathy, Talking, Andre Brasser Sinpo 44433

6290-15.18 Conti/ Kenzo Radio. Abba, Dutch Music, Normaal Sinpo 54444

6275-15.44 Radio Johnny Tobacco. Jorge Moreno( 3 songs), Margot Eskins Sinpo 54444

1641-16.10 Radio Turftrekker. Brunner And Brunner, Sue Malmkvist, George Jones Sinpo 34433

1656-16.20 Radio Luka. Theo Dispenbrock,  Luv Sinpo 34433

6325-16.30 Radio Monique. Rolling Stones, Tina Turner And David Bowie, Cyndi Lauper Sinpo 54444

1629-16.43 Radio Tarzan, Hot Chocolate, Tommy Roe, Booker T And Mg's Sinpo 34433

6300-17.10 Weekend Music Radio Via Kiss AM. Cher, Journey, Kiki Dee Sinpo 44444

1641-17.30 Radio Turftrekker. Dutch Music Including Jan Rep, Rocking Jojo And His Rocking Rebels Sinpo 44433 

6210-18.00  Radio King Sw. The Pretenders, Id Jingle, John Illsey, Mark Knopfler, Utility Qrm Sinpo 42433

5140-18.13 Charleston Radio. Old Time Music Sinpo 34433

1620-18.40 Radio Delfzijl. Guru Josh Project, Keane, The Scorpions, Melee Sinpo 44444

1641-18.52  Radio Turftrekker. Dutch Music Including Bernd  Sinpo 44444

1635-19.10 Radio Spakenburg. Kaoma, Def, Boney M, Blondie, Greetings, Fleetwood Mac Sinpo 54444

1641-19.45 Radio Turftrekker. Claudia Hulscher, Cees De Wit, Wings Sinpo 54444

1655-20.10 Radio Kristal. Polka/ Dutch Music Sinpo 34433

1620-20.55 Radio Delfzijl. Dutch/ Polka Music, Greetings Sinpo 54444

1665-20.17 Radio Technical Man. Dutch Music, UB40, James Last Sinpo 44444

1652-20.30 Radio Moby Dick. Polka Music Including John Tasz Band, Talking Sinpo 44433

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