Pirates For Peace

Sunday, March 23, 2025

SW/MW Logs 23/03/25

1611-5.55 Radio Noordstar. Talking, Friedel Hensch And Die Cyprys, Cardinal Point, Eddy Christiani Sinpo 44444

1628-6.15 Radio Mi-Amingo. Status Quo, Greetings, Elvis Presley, Fools, Alice Og Rita Sinpo 34433

1611-6.45 Radio Noordstar. Dutch/ Polka Music Including De Lenco's Sinpo 34433

981-7.04 Radio Star Country. Joe Diffle, George Ducas, Clint Black Sinpo 34433

9800-7.23 Radio Delta  Story Behind Bruce Springsteen" just like fire would", Bruce Springsteen, Tina Turner And David Bowie Sinpo 55444

6020-7.35 Radio Casanova. Conny Froboess, George Baker Selection, De Alpenzusjes Sinpo 44444

6325-16.58 Weekend Music Radio. Phil Collins, Mariah Carey, Neil Young Sinpo 54444

9800-17.17 Radio Delta. Dionne Warwick, Sunset Avenue, Veiko Lavi Sinpo 55444

5800-17.30 Conti/ Kenzo Radio. Olga Lowina, Greetings, DJ Elstak, The Seekers, Polka Music, Talking, U2, The Seekers, The Scene Sinpo 45444

1629-17.54 Radio Alabama. Free, Talking, Shocking Blue, CD Sinpo 34433

1629-18.01 Radio Mondeo. Polka Music l, Talking, Willeke Alberti, Joe And Erik Sinpo 34433

6325-18.35 Weekend Music Radio. Talking About The Weather, Cranberries, Linda Ronstadt Sinpo 54444

1620/21-18.48 Unid. Dutch/ Polka Music, 2 Stations On Same Frequency Sinpo 32333

6235-19.04 Radio Delta 48. INXS, Henk The Knife And The Jets, Demis Roussos Sinpo 34433

6260-19.18 Unid. CCR, John Tasz Band, Tanya Tucker Sinpo 54444

6295-19.55 XTC. Villages, Vaccines, Talking About Radio Pandora Amongst Other Things, Senseless Things, Sandra Sinpo 44444

1638-20.16 Radio Turftrekker. Dutch Music, Carola, Talking, CD Sinpo 34433

1620-21.37 Radio King Kong. Dutch Music Including Das Heilberg Duo Sinpo 44444

1476-21.58 Radio Blackbeard. Techno/ Dance Music Sinpo 33433

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the http://pirates4peace.tk/ no longer works. its a dead link